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Christmas 2022 - Emilio winner of Director's Awards

Christmas 2022 - Emilio winner of Director's Awards

Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022

Christmas 2022

Eric's farewell

Eric's farewell

Group meeting 2020

Group meeting 2020

Mariano's defense

Mariano's defense

Christmas 2019

Christmas 2019

Teresa's defense

Teresa's defense

Celebration dinner

Celebration dinner

The group after Sofía's PhD viva

The group after Sofía's PhD viva

The group after Alex's viva Jan 2017

The group after Alex's viva Jan 2017

With Gianni Bottari, David González-Rodríguez, Mª Ángeles Herranz, Enrique Ortí and Nazario Martín, after Alberto's viva

With Gianni Bottari, David González-Rodríguez, Mª Ángeles Herranz, Enrique Ortí and Nazario Martín, after Alberto's viva

The group at our Xmas dinner 2016

The group at our Xmas dinner 2016

Champagne! With the new Dr. López-Moreno and Prof. Prato

Champagne! With the new Dr. López-Moreno and Prof. Prato

Cheers From Deputy Directors of IMDEA Nano! Xmas 2016

Cheers From Deputy Directors of IMDEA Nano! Xmas 2016

Laser tag to celebrate Alex's ACS Nano 2016

Laser tag to celebrate Alex's ACS Nano 2016

With Profs. Islam, Iijima and Shur at ICANN 2016

With Profs. Islam, Iijima and Shur at ICANN 2016