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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different
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  • Protein Engineering and Nanobiotechnology
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  • Laboratories of Protein Engineering and Nanobiotechnology

    Our lab (30 m2) is equipped with a large bench, balances, refrigerator, freezer vortex, centrifuges, thermoblocks, diverse glassware and plasticware for biochemical and biological applications. And an Akta prime chromatographer with columns for protein purification.

    On the same floor, there is the cell culture facility equipped with the standard equipment for cell culture experiments: two cell culture hoods, two CO2 incubators, microscope, centrifuge, water bath, refrigerators, and freezers.

    In addition, there are assorted equipment in the institution we can use such as, fluorescent microscope, UV-Vis spectrophotometers (UV-Vis-NIR Cary 5000, Espectrofotómetro UV-Vis Varian), Circular Dichroism spectrophotometer J-815 , fluorimeter Fluoromax-4 Horiba, Microcalorimeter VP-ITC, thermogravimetric analyser TGA Q500, thermocycler, gel documentation system, centrifuge, ultra-low freezer (-80 °C), refrigerated orbital incubator shackers and laminar flow hood (for bacteria use only), among others.  

    Furthermore, the institution holds a Good Practice Laboratory for the characterization of Nanomaterials (en desarrollo), with a Dynamic Light Scattering instrument Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS; microplate reader Lector Biotek; and micro-balance (0.01).

    Also, the group is members of an associated unit between the Spanish National Center for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC) and IMDEA Nanociencia, and through that arrangement our group has access to many facilities such as electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, proteomics, genomics, flow cytometry, animal facility, histology, and tissue culture among others. The CNB is on the same campus within walking distance from IMDEA Nanociencia.

    Finally, within the campus, there are additional institutions, such as Molecular Biology Center, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Materials Science Institute, Scientific Park, with complementary equipment or facilities.