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  • STED - Real Space-Time imaging and control of Electron Dynamics

STED - Real Space-Time imaging and control of Electron Dynamics

    Funding :

    Number: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01-01;  grant agreement No. 101108851
    Funder: European Commission

    Duration: 2023 - 2025

Description: The motion of electrons inside atoms and molecules is a central aspect of chemical reactivity. Understanding this motion is also key for the development of novel technologies based on photovoltaic devices, quantum information, or energy storage, just to mention a few. But this motion is very fast: it occurs in the attosecond time scale, which can be interrogated by ultrashort light sources, in combination with electron, ion, or absorption spectroscopy methods, to time resolve and eventually control ultrafast electronic processes. The STED project focuses on a complementary, so far barely explored approach: to image ultrafast electronic motion in individual molecules in real-time but also in real space, with attosecond and picometer resolutions, respectively, by combining ultrashort laser pulses with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM).
Website: https://albertomartinjimenez.com