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June 2012: Bright field image of the magnetic carrot cake synthesized for Teran's Birthday celebration

June 2012: Bright field image of the magnetic carrot cake synthesized for Teran's Birthday celebration

June 2015: After one month of intership, Laura Alonso is leaving for starting her University studies in Berlin. From left to rigth: David Cabrera, Laura Alonso,  Francisco J.Terán, Emilio Artés, and Daniel Ortega.

June 2015: After one month of intership, Laura Alonso is leaving for starting her University studies in Berlin. From left to rigth: David Cabrera, Laura Alonso, Francisco J.Terán, Emilio Artés, and Daniel Ortega.

October 2015: Networking meeting for discussing results for publication with visitor (Dr. M.E. Materia) funded by RadioMag Cost Action (TD1402). 12 month later, this meeting conclusions were published in Cabrera et al. Nanoscale 2017). From left to rigth: David Cabrera, Maria Elena Materia, Eloy Terán and Francisco J.Terán.

October 2015: Networking meeting for discussing results for publication with visitor (Dr. M.E. Materia) funded by RadioMag Cost Action (TD1402). 12 month later, this meeting conclusions were published in Cabrera et al. Nanoscale 2017). From left to rigth: David Cabrera, Maria Elena Materia, Eloy Terán and Francisco J.Terán.

September 2017: Francisco J.Terán and Emilio J. Artés giving a training lecture on advanced magnetometry.

September 2017: Francisco J.Terán and Emilio J. Artés giving a training lecture on advanced magnetometry.

September 2017: Emilio J. Artés setting up an advanced magnetometer at the Pilot Line facilities in the course of H2020 European NoCanther Project.

September 2017: Emilio J. Artés setting up an advanced magnetometer at the Pilot Line facilities in the course of H2020 European NoCanther Project.