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9th Early Stage Researchers Workshop in Nanoscience

Wednesday, 26 June 2019 09:00


We are organizing a scientific meeting focused on nanoscience where early stage researchers (PhD Students and postdocs) are invited to participate by presenting their work through oral communications of 15 min. If we are not able to fit all the talks along the two days, some researchers will be invited to present their work in a poster.

This free meeting will take place at IMDEA Nanociencia on the 26th-27th June and everyone is welcome, although registration is required.

Throughout this workshop we expect to see the different research lines focused on nanoscience that are currently being developed by the growing number of groups working on nanoscience in our community and discuss the latest results. Due to the variety of disciplines involved in nanoscience we would like to remind you that the audience will be diverse including physicists, chemists or biologists. Therefore we ask the speakers to keep that in mind to adjust their presentations to this audience.