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Thailand delegation visits IMDEA Nanociencia to strengthen collaboration in Nanomedicine


2025.01.29 delegación tailandia


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Madrid, 3rd February, 2025. A delegation from Thailand visited IMDEA Nanociencia to explore opportunities for scientific cooperation in Nanomedicine. Organized by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), together with its homologous Program Management Unit for Competitiveness (PMUC) in Thailand, the event brought together leading experts from both countries to foster innovation and collaboration in advanced healthcare technologies.

The Thai delegation included Miss Suchada Thaensap, Secretary to the Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, alongside expert scientists from Mahidol University. Representing CDTI were Ricardo Rubianes, Head of International Technological Action, and Adrián Gutiérrez, CDTI Delegate for China and Southeast Asia and Science and Technology Counselor at the Spanish Embassy in Beijing.

Prof. Rodolfo Miranda, director at IMDEA Nanociencia, Bonifacio Vega, executive manager, together with the leading experts from IMDEA Nanociencia Álvaro Somoza, Teresa González, Isabel Rodríguez, Gorka Salas, and Valle Palomo presented ongoing research initiatives and discussed potential avenues for joint projects. The visit finalized with a visit to the IMDEA Nananociencia laboratories and facilities.

This initiative marks a significant step in fostering bilateral research partnerships and promoting cutting-edge technological advancements in Nanomedicine.


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Prof. Álvaro Somoza
Nanobiotechnology Group

Oficina de Divulgación y Comunicación de IMDEA Nanociencia
divulgacion.nanociencia [at]imdea.org
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Fuente: IMDEA Nanociencia.

El Instituto IMDEA Nanociencia es un centro de investigación interdisciplinar en Madrid dedicado a la exploración de la nanociencia y el desarrollo de aplicaciones de la nanotecnología en relación con industrias innovadoras. IMDEA Nanociencia es un centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa desde 2017, máximo reconocimiento a la excelencia investigadora a nivel nacional.