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IMDEA Nanoscience holds the first Winter Postdoctoral School as part of the IDEAL programme



IMDEA Nanoscience holds the first Winter Postdoctoral School as part of the IDEAL programme

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On 23 and 24 January 2023, IMDEA Nanoscience held the first Winter School in Nanoscience for postdoctoral researchers, within the framework of the IDEAL programme (IMDEA-Nanoscience Postdoctoral Programme in Nanoscience).

The different sessions, attended by more than 30 researchers, consisted of a combination of scientific seminars on the Institute's research programmes and workshops to deepen some of the most relevant transferable skills for this stage of the research career.

Prof. Rodolfo Miranda, Director of IMDEA Nanoscience welcomed the participants and for the development of the transferable skills workshops the school had two referents in their field; Vitae UK gave the workshop on Career Planning while Diversiunity the one on Integrating Gender in Research.

IWSProf- Rodolfo Miranda welcomes the IDEAL fellows to IMDEA Nanociencia, Diversiunity and Vitae workshops.

IMDEA Nanoscience will continue to programme this type of interdisciplinary training, the next appointment will be in June with the Summer School in Research Management.

Source: IMDEA Nanociencia