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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different
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  • Transport in 2D Systems
  • People

Prof. Jose Luis Vicent López

Jose Luis Vicent is professor of Physics in the Departamento de Fisica de Materiales (Universidad Com-o plutense, Madrid) and Director of the Center for Physical Techniques (CAI Tecnicas Fisicas) of Universidad Complutense. Prof. Vicent has worked in the Physics Department at University of Virginia, F. Bitter National Magnet Lab. at MIT, Solid State and Materials Science Divi- sions at Argonne National Lab., Department of Physics at University California-San Diego, Centro Atomico Bariloche (Argentina), and Universidad del Valle (Colombia). He is Fellow of the American Physical Society, and member of the Royal Spanish Physical Society (RSEF), he has been secretary of its Publication committee, and Chairman of the Span- ish Condensed Matter Division (RSEF, Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica). Professor Vicent has been the Chairman of the Materials Science Commission (Spanish National Science Foundation) and National Coordinator of the Materials Science Program (Spanish CICYT, Science & Technology Commission) 1993 –1995. Prof. Vicent has been the advisor of more than 20 master and Ph. D. graduate students. Prof. Vicent publications cover a diversity of materials from single crystals to metallic glasses, and many dif- ferent effects mostly related to magnetism and superconductivity at the nanoscale.

 Telephone number: +34 91 299 88 73

E-mail: joseluis.vicent [at] imdea.org