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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different
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  • Quantum Nanodevices
  • Publications


  1. Navarro, Juan Jesús; Leret, Sofía; Calleja, Fabián; Stradi, Daniele; Black, Andrés; Bernardo-Gavito, Ramón; Garnica, Manuela; Granados, Daniel; Vázquez de Parga, Amadeo L; Pérez, Emilio M; ,Organic covalent patterning of nanostructured graphene with selectivity at the atomic level,Nano letters,16,1,355-361,2015,American Chemical Society

  2. Azani, Mohammad-Reza; Hassanpour, Azin; Carcelén, Verónica; Gibaja, Carlos; Granados, Daniel; Mas-Ballesté, Ruben; Zamora, Felix; ,Highly concentrated and stable few-layers graphene suspensions in pure and volatile organic solvents,Applied Materials Today,2,,17-23,2016,Elsevier

  3. Gomez, A.; Prieto, P.; Bueno, J.; Doyle, S.; Barry, P.; Bideaud, A.; Llombart, N.; Granados, D.; Costa-Kramer, J. L.; Martin-Pintado, J.; ,Development of sub-micron broadband lens-coupled LEKIDs for sub-mm astronomy,Journal of Low Temperature Physics,,,,2016,