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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different
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  • Metallodrugs to Modulate Cancer Cell Machinery
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  • Feb 2023. Arturo visits Sonia in San Francisco.

    Feb 23

    Jan 2023

    Our 4th year’s undergraduate PhD student, Arturo Villechenous, is joining the group of Prof. Claudia Turro at the Ohio State University, Columbus (OH, USA) for a three-month placement. He is studying the activation of tether complexes through electrochemistry and photochemistry pathways.

    jan 23

  • Dec 2022. Christmas meal.

     christmas meal 23

    Dec 2022. Christmas is coming! Arturo prepares a tree packed with fluorophores for Twitter’s #chemistree

    Dec 2022. 12th Early Stage Researchers Workshop in Nanoscience (15th December). Arturo presents part of his PhD project with an oral communication in the Workshop.


    Claudia and Alejandro participated with a poster about their investigation and Claudia was awarded with the ‘Best Poster Session’. Congratulations Claudia!!

    12esrw 2

    Dec 2022. Sergio Millán joins the group and the Cell culture and Microbiology Unit. Welcome Sergio!

    Nov 2022. Sonia’s paper on potent Os(II)-arenes is out in Inorganic Chemistry! Well done everyone!


    Sep 2022. Alejandro joins the group as a PhD student. Alejandro will focus his PhD project on the synthesis of rhenium-based metallodrugs. Another master student from the group of Prof. Reyes Jiménez-Aparicio! Welcome Alejandro!

    Sep 2022. Arturo joins the group of Prof. Alceo Macchioni in Perugia (Italy) for a short stay (6 weeks) in order to study the hydrogen production and water oxidation reactions of half-sandwich rhodium and iridium complexes

    Aug 2022. Arturo assists to the 44th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC) giving an outstanding talk in the conference. He also met past members of the group, it was nice to see you Dr. Ana Carrasco!

    Jul 2022. Sonia leaves the group to join Prof Barber group in San Francisco.

    Jun 2022. Sonia, Arturo and Claudia assist to “XXXVIII REUNIÓN BIENAL RSEQ-2022”, celebrated in Granada (Spain), from 27 to 30 June 2022. Sonia presented her project based on Osmium(II) half-sandwich complexes with an oral communication, while Claudia and Arturo presented their amazing work in the poster sessions.


    May 2022. Arturo and Claudia participate in the contest “Tesis en 3 minutos”, held on 18 May 2022 at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.

    Apr 2022. Asia Patriarchi joins us. Asia joins our lab from Alceo Macchioni’s group (Univeristy of Perugia) for a couple of months prior to star her PhD. She did a great job in the lab and also she enjoyed the weather in Madrid!


    Mar 2022. Claudia and Catarina participate in the science fair “Madrid Es Ciencia” celebrated at IFEMA (Madrid). The fair has had the participation of schools, universities, scientific institutions, museums and Royal Societies of Science.

    Mar 2022. Silqcom. Claudia and Arturo participate in the Silqcom 2022 in the poster online session.


  • Dec 2021. 11th Early Stage Researchers Workshop in Nanoscience. The 11th Early Stage Researchers Workshop in Nanoscience goes online!! Ana Pizarro is one of the organisers this year. Claudia, Arturo y Sonia participated with a poster about their investigation.

    Oct 2021. Sonia Infante Tadeo Thesis Defense. Dr. Infante defends her PhD work (Sobresaliente Cum Laude!) in front of a tough tribunal (left to right: María Contel, Eugenio Vázquez, José Alemán, Tarita Biver, and Luca Salassa). Brilliant presentation. Brilliant defense of her 4-year work.

    Jun 2021. Sonia's paper on exciting new osmium tethers is accepted!
    First paper accepted from Sonia's PhD work in Chemical Science, "Osmium(II) Tethered Half-Sandwich Complexes: pH-dependent Aqueous Speciation and Transfer Hydrogenation in Cells"

    Jan 2021. Dr Adriana Arnaiz gives birth to a baby girl
    Alma Bonilla Arnáiz is born on the 3rd of January, what a georgeous present in such tough times, welcome to the world Alma!

  • Dec 2020. 10th Early Stage Researchers Workshop in Nanoscience
    The 10th Early Stage Researchers Workshop in Nanoscience goes online!! Ana Pizarro is one of the organisers this year. Exciting new times! And the prizes go to... Ausegul Develioglu (Online Poster Award), and Ahmad Sousaraei (Best Twitter Communication Award)

    Dec 2020. Farewell Federica Battistin
    Dr. Battistin leaves us to join Prof. Alberto's lab at UZH. Best of luck Federica!

    Dec 2020. One dinner; four celebrations
    We manage to meet up for socially distanced lunch to welcome Claudia, say farewell to Federica, congratulate Ana on her PhD title, and celebrate we part to enjoy Christmas holidays.

    Nov 2020. Ana Cristina Carrasco Thesis Defense
    Dr. Carrasco defends her PhD work (Sobresaliente Cum Laude!). Brilliant Thesis and brilliant viva. Thank you to the online Tribunal (Prof. Ruiz, University of Murcia; Prof. Manzano, University of Castilla La Mancha; Prof. Mascareñas, CICUS; Dr. Ribagorda, UAM, and Prof. Terenzi, University of Palermo) that walked with Ana on this special day. Congratulations Ana!! Fantastic work done on iridium(III) complexes!!

    Oct 2020. Ana's paper on activation studies of iridium tethers is out!
    Third paper out from Ana’s PhD work in Inorganic Chemistry, “Activation of the Ir−N(pyridine) Bond in Half-Sandwich Tethered Iridium(III) Complexes”. Excellent job Ana and Vanessa!

    Oct 2020. Claudia joins the AMP group
    Claudia Cardozo Yusti joins the group with an FPI grant. Claudia has previous experience working on metal complexes, working in Venezuela and Colombia. We are made up to have you, Claudia!

    Mar 2020. Lockdown
    Emptying the office and waiting for the unknown


    Mar 2020. Ana's paper on super-potent iridium tethers is out!
    Second paper out from Ana’s PhD work in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, “Structurally Strained Half-Sandwich Iridium(III) Complexes As Highly Potent Anticancer Agents”. Great job everyone!

    Feb 2020. Three newcomers
    Julia García joins the group to carry put her Masters project on yeast work, and Juan Sánchez-Camacho Sánchez to work on Os-based metallodrugs for a few months. Catarina Leis joins the Cell Culture and Microbiology Unit at IMDEA Nanociencia. Welcome you three!

    Jan 2020. Ana’s paper on the synchrotron work is out!
    First paper out from Ana’s PhD work in Angewandte Chemie, “Unambiguous Intracellular Localization and Quantification of a Potent Iridium Anticancer Compound by Correlative 3D Cryo X‐Ray Imaging”. Great collaborative work with CNB-CSIC, ALBA and ESRF. Well done everyone!

    Jan 2020. Great meeting organised by at IMDEA Nanociencia
    Federica, Arturo, Ana C. and Sonia attend the 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences 2020 (NALS 2020) in Madrid, while Ana Pizarro takes part in the discussion Women in Science.

  • Dec 2019. Christmas dinner
    Enyoing some nice dinner in Campus to cellebrate what was a fantastic year for the group


    Nov 2019. Learning chemistry while visiting an old friend
    Arturo, Ana C. and Sonia attend a course on Following Chemical Reactions organised by the GEQO section of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry in Valladolid


    Nov 2019. Everyone away
    While Ana Pizarro truly enjoys the I Jornada de Química Inorgánica Biológica at ICMOL, Valencia, invited by Jorge González, Arturo, Federica, Sonia and Ana enjoy their one-day Metals in Medicine meeting in Paris. They really enjoyed it, the hosting was apparently first class!

    Oct 2019. Dario’s farewell
    Dario’s work on yeast – supervised by Adriana – has been of great help for the group. You’ll be missed Dario, enjoy your Masters at the Almán group!


    Sep 2019. Ana and Sonia at USOCS19
    Ana and Sonia attend the 1st UK-Spain Organometallic Chemistry Symposium, Alcalá de Henares, Spain. Ana recieves the Best Poster Presentation award, well done Ana!

    Aug 2019. The girls are back from their travels
    Both Ana and Sonia finish their placements abroad. You’ve been missed.

    Jul 2019. 9th International Symposium on Bioorganometallic Chemistry, York
    Great meeting. Ana Pizarro travels to York to present the group’s work on iridium complexes, and the results of a great collaboration with Conesa, Pereiro, Cloetens and Carrascosa. God, I miss the UK… Meeting new friend, catching up with old ones.

    Jul 2019. Brand new cell culture room in IMDEA Nanocienci
    IMDEA Nano opens up a new room for biological work, in the picture below the two new BSL2 cabinets. Some key players worked really hard for it.

    Jul 2019. Busy months of welcomes

    • PhD student Arturo Villechenous starts his project on rhodium metallodrugs. Welcome Arturo!!
    • Dr Federica Battistin joins us to work on Ru and Os catalysts to be loaded into carbon nanotubes in an exciting collaboration with Emilio Pérez @IMDEA Nano
    • Darío Khosraviani joins our lab for a couple of months prior to star his Masters at the Alemán group in UAM
    • Ricardo Moreno, ERASMUS+ Master student from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, starts his Masters final project with us.


    Jun 2019. Ana Carrasco travels to Italy
    Ana C. joins the laboratory of Prof. Alceo Macchioni at Università degli Studi di Perugia to study the catalytic strength of som of her Ir-Cp* catalysis supported with an ERASMUS+ fellowship

    Jun 2019. Farewell to Adrián
    Adrián leaves his recently started PhD project to join Eurofins Scientific, best of luck Adrián!


    May 2019. XXXVII Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry in San Sebastián
    Ana Pizarro joins the RSEQ meeting where she will be talking about the groups research on iridium complexes targeting mitochondria


    May 2019. Sonia at UCSF
    Sonia starts a three-month placement at the Diane Barber laboratory at UCSF, San Francisco, to look into the capabilities of her Os metallodrugs to modify the internal pH of cancer cells.

    Apr 2019. Great news for Sonia
    Sonia is awarded an EMBO travel grant to visit the Barber Laboratories at University of California, San Francisco.

    Apr 2019. Adriana is back from maternity leave
    Welcome back Adriana!

    Mar 2019. Science for everyone
    Ana C. and Sonia participate in “Madrid por la ciencia y la innovación” celebrated at IFEMA


    Feb 2019. Adrián joins the AMP group
    Adrián Luguera Ruiz joins the group as a Comunidad de Madrid PhD student. Welcome Adrián!

    Feb 2019. Two first class visitors; Dr Alessio Terenzi and Dr Abraha Habtemariam
    Alessio’s and Abraha’s visit coincide at the Pizarro lab in Madrid

    Feb 2019. Dr Terenzi visits IMDEA Nanociencia
    Alesio Terenzi gives a talk entitled G-quadruplexes in Cancer Research: from Targets to Nanotools?

  • Nov 2018. AMP is back from maternity leave

    Sep-Oct 2018. Lucia Lestón (UAM) joins the group
    Lucía, undergraduate short-term work-placement student from UAM, joins the group for 5 weeks.

    Sep 2018. News from Fran
    Dr Francisco Martínez joins the Lairson group at Scripps Research in San Diego CA.

    Sep 2018. Sonia Paz’s Master Thesis
    Sonia Paz defends her Master’s Thesis and starts her PhD Project at the Esteruelas group in Zaragoza.

    Aug 2018. Ana Carrasco and Sonia Infante at EuroBIC14
    Ana and Sonia attend the 14th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EuroBIC14), Birmingham, UK. Ana recieves the Highly Commended Poster Prize (sponsored by Springer) from Professor Mike Hannon, well done Ana!

    Aug 2018. Dr Adriana Arnaiz gives birth to a baby girl
    Lucía Bonilla Arnáiz is born on the 19th of August, welcome to the world Lucía!

    Jul 2018. Visiting the ESRF
    Ana Carrasco spends 3 days at the ESRF (Grenoble) to look at the iridium localization in cryo-samples of MCF7 cancer cells exposed to one of her PhD iridium compounds. Very exciting results!

    Jul 2018. Dr Ana Pizarro gives birth to a baby boy
    Robert Mark Davies Pizarro is born on the 17th of July, welcome to the world Robbie! Ana starts her maternity leave.

    Jun 2018. Ana Carrasco and Sonia Infante at the 8th ESRW
    Ana and Sonia attend the 8th Early Stage Researchers Workshop, at IMDEA Nanociencia, Madrid. Sonia gives an oral presentation on Osmium(II) tethered complexes for shuttling protons into cancer cells.

    Jun 2018. Dr. Vanessa Rodríguez, Dr. Adriana Arnáiz, Ana Carrasco and Sonia Infante at the SBAN2018
    Vanessa, Adriana, Ana and Sonia attend the 1st Spanish Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanomaterials (SBAN2018), at the Instituto de Ciencias Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC)

    May 2018. Farewell to Michelle Dell’Aquila
    We say farewell to Michele Dell’Aquila after two months of work with us.

    Apr 2018. Farewell to Dr Abraha Habtemariam
    After twelve months we say farewell to Dr Abraha Habtemariam, who has completed his Professorship within the Attraction of Talent Award (Cátedra de Excelencia) by the Madrid Government.

    Apr 2018. Fran’s second paper from his PhD project is out!
    Second paper out from Fran’s PhD work in Inorganic Chemistry, “Reversible pH-responsive Behaviour of Ruthenium(II) Arene Complexes with Tethered Carboxylate”. Well done everyone!

    Mar 2018. Welcome Master student form UCM, Sonia Paz Outeiral and visiting student from Loyola University Chicago, Michele Dell’Aquila
    This semester we host UCM Master student Sonia Paz, who will work on catalytic Ir(III) complexes. We also host Loyola University Chicago student Michele Dell’Aquila, who will work with yeast in the group.

    Mar 2018. Francisco Martínez Peña Thesis Defense
    (Dr.!) Francisco Martínez Peña defends his PhD work (Sobresaliente Cum Laude!). Brilliant Thesis and brilliant viva.
    Thank you to the Tribunal (left to right; Dr. Andrés de la Escosura, Dr. Miguel Vázquez, Prof. Félix Jalón, ICREA Research Prof. Patrick Gámez, and Dr. Gorka Salas) that accompanied Fran in this day. Congratulations Fran!!

    Mar 2018. Rosa Mª Martínez Navarro joins IMDEA Nanociencia
    Rosa Mª Martínez, Biology graduate, starts to work with us in the Cell Culture and Microbiology Unit.

    Jan 2018. Vanessa’s first paper in the group is out!
    “Gold(III) bis(thiosemicarbazonate) compounds in breast cancer cells: Cytotoxicity and thioredoxin reductase targeting” is accepted in European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, well done everyone!!

  • Sep 2017. Fran’s first paper from his PhD project is out!
    Francisco Martínez-Peña publishes some of his PhD project’s work in Chemistry -- A European Journal. “Control of Reversible Activation Dynamics of [Ru(6-1-C6H5(C6H2)NH2)(XY)]n+ and the Effect of Chelating-Ligand Variation” is out, and we also have the inside cover!!

    Sep 2017. UCM Master student Fabio Bocos González defends his Master’s project
    Fabio defends his Master Thesis obtaining the highest mark. Well done Fabio, fantastic work done on Ru(II)-arene complexes!

    Jul 2017. Farewell to UCM Master student Fabio Bocos González, and to Loyola University Chicago undergrad student Tori Tonn
    Fabio Bocos finishes his Master’s project with us. Tori also leaves us to finish her degree back at home.

    Jul 2017. Ana C. Carrasco and Ana Pizarro attend BioBilbao2017
    Ana and Ana C. travel to Bilbao to attend a scientific meeting of bioinorganic chemistry, organised by the Asociación Española de Bioinorgánica (AEBIN). Ana Carrasco presents her first nine-months results at the meeting.

    Jul 2017. Claudia Camarero joins the AMP group
    Claudia Camarero joins the AMP group for three weeks before starting her university degree in Biology. Welcome Claudia!

    Jun 2017. Fran, Sonia and Ana at the 7th ESRW (IMDEA Nanociencia)
    Francisco Martinez receives from Dr Granados the Best Poster Prize at the “7th Early Stage Researchers Workshop” in Nanoscience, Ana Carrasco gives a talk on her PhD work, and Sonia Infante presents her first poster in the group.

    May 2017. Tori Tonn joins the AMP group
    Tori Tonn, from Loyola University Chicago, joins the AMP group to help Vanessa carry out a number of biological studies.

    Apr 2017. Dr Abraha Habtemariam visits the AMP group
    Abraha Habtemariam joins us with a Professorship of Excellence by Attraction of Talent Programme by the Madrid government. WELCOME ABRAHA!!!

    Feb 2017. PhD student Sonia Infante Tadeo and UCM Master student Fabio Bocos join the AMP group
    Sonia Infante joins the AMP group to start her PhD research project on osmium metallodrugs (PhD studentship funded by the Comunidad de Madrid government and IMDEA Nano). Welcome Sonia!!
    Fabio Bocos González also joins the group to carry out his Master’s project focused on ruthenium compounds, welcome Fabio!

  • Oct 2016. Ana Cristina Carrasco joins the AMP group as a PhD student
    After completing an MSc at José Alemán's group at UAM, Ana joins us to start her PhD on iridium activatable metallodrugs. Welcome Ana!!

    Sep 2016. Ana Pizarro and Francisco Martínez travel to Budapest to attend EUROBIC13
    Fran and Ana both present the group’s work at EuroBIC13, Budapest

  • Jul 2015. Dr Vanessa Rodríguez Fanjul joins the AMP group as specialised technician
    Vanessa will be sharing her expertise in molecular and cell biology with the group.

    Jul 2015. Undergraduate student M Carmen Lorenzo visits the AMP group
    M Carmen Lorenzo visits the group to carry out 130 h of research as part of her undergraduate studies.

    May 2015. AMP is back from maternity leave

    Jan 2015. Dr Ana Pizarro gives birth to a baby girl
    Dolores Elizabeth Davies Pizarro is born on the 19th of January, welcome to the world Lola! Ana starts her maternity leave.

    Sep 2014. Dr Adriana Arnáiz joins IMDEA Nanociencia
    Adriana will manage the day-to-day running of the Cell Culture facilities at IMDEA Nanociencia.

    Jul 2014. Undergraduate student Alberto Garrido visits the AMP group
    Alberto Garrido visits the group to carry out 130 h of research as part of his undergraduate studies.

    Jun 2014. We move to Lab 229
    Ana and PhD student Fran move to (pristine) new lab 229, on the second floor of IMDEA Nanociencia (Cantoblanco University Campus).

    May 2014. Francisco Martínez-Peña joins the group.
    Fran is the first PhD student in the newly formed AMP group.

    Apr 2014. Ana Pizarro responsible of the Cell Culture facilities at IMDEA Nanociencia
    Ana takes in the responsibility of overseeing the work in the Cell Culture Room at IMDEA Nanociencia.

    Jan 2014. Dr Ana M Pizarro joins IMDEA Nanociencia
    Ana M Pizarro starts her Ramón y Cajal 5-year tenure-track contract. The adventure of creating a research line on metallodrugs at IMDEA Nanociencia begins.