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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

On the significance of the anchoring group in the design of antenna materials based on phthalocyanine stopcocks and zeolitea L

Lõpez-Duarte, I., Le-Quyenha Dieu, Dolamic, I., Martínez-Díaz, M.V., Torres, T., Calzaferri, G., Brühwiler, D.
Chemistry - A European Journal , 2011 , 17 , 1855 1862 ,DOI: 10.1002/chem.201002210

Molecular self-assembly at solid surfaces

Otero, R., Gallego, J.M., De Parga, A.L.V., Martín, N., Miranda, R.
Advanced Materials , 2011 , 23 , 5148 5176 ,DOI: 10.1002/adma.201102022

A high-reflectivity, ambient-stable graphene mirror for neutral atomic and molecular beams

Sutter, P., Minniti, M., Albrecht, P., Farías, D., Miranda, R., Sutter, E.
Applied Physics Letters , 2011 , 99 ,DOI: 10.1063/1.3663866

Formation of self-assembled chains of tetrathiafulvalene on a Cu(100) surface

Wang, Y., Urban, C., Rodríguez-Fernández, J., Gallego, J.M., Otero, R., Martín, N., Miranda, R., Alcamí, M., Martín, F.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 2011 , 115 , 13080 13087 ,DOI: 10.1021/jp205085s

Tuning interchain and intrachain interactions in polyfluorene copolymers

Huang, Y.-S., Gierschner, J., Schmidtke, J.P., Friend, R.H., Beljonne, D.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , 2011 , 84 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.205311

Plasmon-exciton interactions on single thermoresponsive platforms demonstrated by optical tweezers

Hormeño, S., Bastús, N.G., Pietsch, A., Weller, H., Arias-Gonzalez, J.R., Juárez, B.H.
Nano Letters , 2011 , 11 , 4742 4747 ,DOI: 10.1021/nl202560j

Role of deprotonation and Cu adatom migration in determining the reaction pathways of oxalic acid adsorption on Cu(111)

Faraggi, M.N., Rogero, C., Arnau, A., Trelka, M., Écija, D., Isvoranu, C., Schnadt, J., Marti-Gastaldo, C., Coronado, E., Gallego, J.M., Otero, R., Miranda, R.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2011 , 115 , 21177 21182 ,DOI: 10.1021/jp205779g

Pyrazolinofullerenes: A less known type of highly versatile fullerene derivatives

Delgado, J.L., Martín, N., De La Cruz, P., Langa, F.
Chemical Society Reviews , 2011 , 40 , 5232 5241 ,DOI: 10.1039/c1cs15105c

Magnetic pinning of flux lattice in superconducting-nanomagnet hybrids

Perez De Lara, D., Castaño, F.J., Ng, B.G., Körner, H.S., Dumas, R.K., Gonzalez, E.M., Liu, K., Ross, C.A., Schuller, I.K., Vicent, J.L.
Applied Physics Letters , 2011 , 99 ,DOI: 10.1063/1.3659292

Subphthalocyanine-polymethine cyanine conjugate: An all organic panchromatic light harvester that reveals charge transfer

Nieto, C.R., Guilleme, J., Villegas, C., Delgado, J.L., González-Rodríguez, D., Martin, N., Torres, T., Guldi, D.M.
Journal of Materials Chemistry , 2011 , 21 , 15914 15918 ,DOI: 10.1039/c1jm13203b

Nanorods versus nanovesicles from amphiphilic dendrofullerenes

Muñoz, A., Illescas, B.M., Sánchez-Navarro, M., Rojo, J., Martín, N.
Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2011 , 133 , 16758 16761 ,DOI: 10.1021/ja206769a

Erratum: Tailoring magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial half metallic La 0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films (Journal of Applied Physics (2011) 110 (013919))

Perna, P., Rodrigo, C., Jiménez, E., Teran, F.J., Mikuszeit, N., Méchin, L., Camarero, J., Miranda, R.
Journal of Applied Physics , 2011 , 110 ,DOI: 10.1063/1.3656371

Detection and Measurement of Unlabeled Lipid Transmembrane Movement

López-Montero, I., Vélez, M., Devaux, P.F.
Transmembrane Dynamics of Lipids , 2011 , 25 43 ,DOI: 10.1002/9781118120118.ch2

Self-organization of ultrathin vanadium oxide layers on a Rh(111) surface during a catalytic reaction. Part II: A LEEM and spectromicroscopy study

Lovis, F., Hesse, M., Locatelli, A., Menteş, T.O., Niño, M.A., Lilienkamp, G., Borkenhagen, B., Imbihl, R.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2011 , 115 , 19149 19157 ,DOI: 10.1021/jp206600q

Surface antiferromagnetic domain imaging using low-energy unpolarized electrons

Menon, K.S.R., Mandal, S., Das, J., Menteş, T.O., Niño, M.A., Locatelli, A., Belkhou, R.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , 2011 , 84 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.132402

Diffraction of molecular hydrogen from metal surfaces

Farías, D., Miranda, R.
Progress in Surface Science , 2011 , 86 , 222 254 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.progsurf.2011.08.002

Effect of substituents and protonation on the mechanism of 1,3-dipolar retro-cycloaddition reaction of pyrrolidino[60]- and [70]fullerenes

Maroto, E., Filippone, S., Martín-Domenech, A., Suárez, M., Martín, N., Martínez-Alvarez, R.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry , 2011 , 46 , 1016 1029 ,DOI: 10.1002/jms.1983

Excited-state switching by per-fluorination of para-oligophenylenes.

Milián-Medina, B., Varghese, S., Ragni, R., Boerner, H., Ortí, E., Farinola, G.M., Gierschner, J.
The Journal of chemical physics , 2011 , 135 , 124509

Subphthalocyanine-based nanocrystals

Trelka, M., Medina, A., Écija, D., Urban, C., Gröning, O., Fasel, R., Gallego, J.M., Claessens, C.G., Otero, R., Torres, T., Miranda, R.
Chemical Communications , 2011 , 47 , 9986 9988 ,DOI: 10.1039/c1cc11658d

Excited-state switching by per-fluorination of para-oligophenylenes

Milin-Medina, B., Varghese, S., Ragni, R., Boerner, H., Ort, E., Farinola, G.M., Gierschner, J.
Journal of Chemical Physics , 2011 , 135 ,DOI: 10.1063/1.3643151