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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Phthalocyanine-nanocarbon ensembles: From discrete molecular and supramolecular systems to hybrid nanomaterials

Bottari, G., De La Torre, G., Torres, T.
Accounts of Chemical Research , 2015 , 48 , 900 910 ,DOI: 10.1021/ar5004384

Elements of friction theory and nanotribology

Gnecco, E., Meyer, E.
Elements of Friction Theory and Nanotribology , 2015 , 1 303

Protective ligand shells for luminescent SiO2-coated alloyed semiconductor nanocrystals

Acebrón, M., Galisteo-López, J.F., Granados, D., López-Ogalla, J., Gallego, J.M., Otero, R., López, C., Juárez, B.H.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces , 2015 , 7 , 6935 6945 ,DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b00820

Controlling high harmonic generation in diatomic molecules by phase shaped laser pulses

Lara-Astiaso, M., Meier, C., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/11/112076

Gate-tunable diode and photovoltaic effect in an organic-2D layered material p-n junction

Vélez, S., Ciudad, D., Island, J., Buscema, M., Txoperena, O., Parui, S., Steele, G.A., Casanova, F., Van Der Zant, H.S.J., Castellanos-Gomez, A., Hueso, L.E.
Nanoscale , 2015 , 7 , 15442 15449 ,DOI: 10.1039/c5nr04083c

Molecular Resolvent Operator for H2+ molecule

Silva, R.E.F., Catoire, F., Riviére, P., Bachau, H., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/11/112107

Understanding the rotational excitation in scattering of D2 from CH3-Si(111)

Díaz, C., Muzas, A.S., Del Cueto, M., Frankcombe, T.J., Martín, F., Hund, Z.M., Nihill, K.J., Sibener, S.J.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/3/032007

Photocurrent generation with two-dimensional van der Waals semiconductors

Buscema, M., Island, J.O., Groenendijk, D.J., Blanter, S.I., Steele, G.A., Van Der Zant, H.S.J., Castellanos-Gomez, A.
Chemical Society Reviews , 2015 , 44 , 3691 3718 ,DOI: 10.1039/c5cs00106d

High performance multi-core iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia: Microwave synthesis, and the role of core-to-core interactions

Blanco-Andujar, C., Ortega, D., Southern, P., Pankhurst, Q.A., Thanh, N.T.K.
Nanoscale , 2015 , 7 , 1768 1775 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4nr06239f

Influence of the aggregation, concentration, and viscosity on the nanomagnetism of iron oxide nanoparticle colloids for magnetic hyperthermia

Cabrera, D., Camarero, J., Ortega, D., Teran, F.J.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research , 2015 , 17 , 6 ,DOI: 10.1007/s11051-015-2921-9

Porphyrins at interfaces

Auwärter, W., Écija, D., Klappenberger, F., Barth, J.V.
Nature Chemistry , 2015 , 7 , 105 120 ,DOI: 10.1038/nchem.2159

X-ray induced fragmentation dynamics of doubly charged L-alanine in gas phase

Wang, Y., Levola, H., Rossich, E., Piekarski, D., Díaz-Tendero, S., Kukk, E., Alcamí, M., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/11/112094

Molecular interferometer using XUV attosecond pulses to unravel electron and nuclear dynamics

Palacios, A., González-Castrillo, A., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/11/112039

Electron streaking in the autoionization region of H2

Palacios, A., González-Castrillo, A., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/11/112040

Detection of GNAQ mutations and reduction of cell viability in uveal melanoma cells with functionalized gold nanoparticles

Posch, C., Latorre, A., Crosby, M.B., Celli, A., Latorre, A., Vujic, I., Sanlorenzo, M., Green, G.A., Weier, J., Zekhtser, M., Ma, J., Monico, G., Char, D.H., Jusufbegovic, D., Rappersberger, K., Somoza, Á., Ortiz-Urda, S.
Biomedical Microdevices , 2015 , 17 , 9 ,DOI: 10.1007/s10544-014-9908-7

Adsorption of benzene on Cu(100) and on Cu(100) covered with an ultrathin NaCl film: Molecule-substrate interaction and decoupling

Robledo, M., Pacchioni, G., Martïn, F., Alcamï, M., Dïaz-Tendero, S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2015 , 119 , 4062 4071 ,DOI: 10.1021/jp5106604

Structure, Ionization and Fragmentation of Neutral and Positively Charged Hydrogenated Carbon Clusters: CnHq+m (n = 1 - 5, m = 1 - 4; Q = 0 - 3)

Sánchez, J.P., Aguirre, N.F., Díaz-Tendero, S., Alcamí, M., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/3/032082

High-Order Harmonic Generation from the Cu(111) surface

Aguirre, N.F., Díaz-Tendero, S., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/10/102010

Fusion reaction dynamics of fullerene molecules

Wang, Y., Gatchell, M., Zettergren, H., Rousseau, P., Chen, T., Stockett, M.H., Domaracka, A., Adoui, L., Huber, B.A., Cederquist, H., Alcamí, M., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/3/032093

Unusual hydrogen and hydroxyl migration in the fragmentation of excited doubly-positively-charged amino acids in the gas phase

Díaz-Tendero, S., Piekarski, D.G., Alcamí, M., Martín, F., Maclot, S., Delaunay, R., Domaracka, A., Rousseau, P., Adoui, L., Huber, B.A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/3/032037