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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

DNA-COMPASS Super-resolution microscopy of DNA: optimization through correlative microscopy and spectroscopy

Dr. Cristina Flors

DNA-COMPASS Super-resolution microscopy of DNA: optimization through correlative microscopy and spectroscopy
    Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. MAT2012-34487
    Duration: 2013 - 2015
    36 months

This project will use two complementary tools to further develop super-resolution imaging of DNA. First, a novel correlative super-resolution fluorescence/atomic force microscope will be implemented. DNA nanostructures of controllable size and shape labelled with DNA binding dyes will be used as test samples and imaged using the novel setup. The ability to correlate super-resolution and topography will be crucial to optimize the performance of the dyes, characterize undesired distortions of DNA structure, and identify possible superresolutionimaging artefacts. In addition, since the control of the photophysics of the dye/DNA complexes is crucial to improve the achievable spatial resolution, a combination of ensemble and single-molecule spectroscopic measurements will be used to study these complexes. This will allow us to understand important processes such as photoblinking. Finally, the improved protocols for super-resolution imaging will be used to study DNA nanostructure in cells.
