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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Superatomic 2D materials

Colin Nuckolls
Columbia University
Martes, 20 Septiembre 2022 12:00

Place: IMDEA Nanociencia conference room. 

Short bio

Colin Nuckolls carried out his undergraduate studies at the University of Texas at Austin, studying with Marye Anne Fox, and he received his Ph. D. in 1998 from Columbia University, where he studied with Thomas Katz. He was an NIH post-doctoral fellow with Julius Rebek, Jr., at the Scripps Research Institute. He joined the faculty at Columbia University in 2000, was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in 2006, and was the Chairman of the Department from 2008–2011. He is currently the Sheldon and Dorothea Professor of Material Science where his research, at the intersection of organic chemistry, materials science, and nanoscience, is directed toward the synthesis of new types of electronic materials and uniquely functioning devices. He is working to achieve these goals by combining the synthesis of new molecular species, state of the art lithography, unique reaction chemistry, and unusual modes of self-assembly.