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Status of the new ARPES beamline at ALBA: LOREA

Prof. Massimo Tallarida (on behalf of the LOREA group)
ALBA Synchrotron Light Source, Barcelona
Martes, 02 Abril 2019 12:30

LOREA is the ninth beamline of the ALBA synchrotron radiation source, it is devoted to electronic structure investigations by means of Angle Resolved Photo-Emission Spectroscopy (ARPES), it is under construction and will start to be operative in 2020. The beamline and of the end-station is designed to give the possibility to perform a wide range of experiments.

The beamline will cover the photon energy range of 10-1000 eV, with continuously variable polarization, resolving power of more than 104 in the whole range, and spot size of about 10x10 μm2. The photon flux is expected to be of the order of 1013 (ph/s/0.1%BW) for photon energies up to 350 eV, and above 1012 (ph/s/0.1%BW) in the 350-1000 eV. Thanks to the wide energy range and high photon flux, LOREA will be suitable for high resolution VUV ARPES in the range of 10-200 eV, with the possibility to extend the ARPES measurements in the 200-600 eV energy range (Soft X-ray ARPES). In addition, core level spectroscopy, resonant photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy will be accessible in the whole energy range. The electron analyzer will allow to take angular mapping without moving the sample and can reach energy resolution better than 1meV. After one year of operation, the analyzer will be upgraded with the inclusion of a spin-detector, giving the possibility to perform spin-resolved ARPES.

The end-station of LOREA will be composed by a central radial distribution chamber to which all other vessels are connected, including chambers for in situ UHV deposition and characterization, high pressure deposition (Chemical Vapor Deposition, CVD, and Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD), organic molecules deposition; fast entry load lock, sample storage, docking of vacuum suitcases and of STM. The 6-axis cryo-manipulator is designed to reach temperatures better than 10K.

This project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the Framework of the Smart Growth Operative Programme 2014-2020