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  • Playing with the composition and structure of nanoferrites for biomedical applications

Playing with the composition and structure of nanoferrites for biomedical applications

Dr. Gorka Salas
IMDEA Nanociencia
Martes, 23 Marzo 2021 12:00

Link to the online seminar (Zoom): https://nanoscience-imdea.zoom.us/j/98683695651

Summary of CV:

I have been dedicated to full-time research in different research centers of Spain and France since 2002, including the completion of my PhD from 2002 to 2007. Currently, I am group leader at IMDEA Nanociencia. Among other participations in research projects, I have been principal investigator of 2 projects funded by the Programa Estatal de I+D+I (MAT2015-71806- R, 2016-2018; and PID2019 106301RB I00, 2020-2023) and 1 project (industrial contract) funded by Repsol (Néel-Brown, 2015-2016). My track record includes 41 published papers (h index = 23), 1 book chapter, 1 patent and several conference presentations, including invited conferences and seminars. I combine my work as researcher with the position of adjunct professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid since 2014. My PhD was focused in the field of organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis. Then I worked more than two years at the CNRS in France, in two different labs (LCC-Toulouse, LCOMS-Lyon) but in the same project: the synthesis of ruthenium nanoparticles in ionic liquids for catalytic hydrogenation. In 2011, I joined IMDEA Nanociencia as postdoctoral researcher. Since then, my research is mainly focused in the chemical synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) for biomedical applications. In 2012-2013 I set up the lab of Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles at IMDEA Nanociencia (http://nanociencia.imdea.org/magnetic-nanoparticles/group-home), which I led since then. My main research line is the synthesis and modification of nanomaterials for biomedical applications, exploring new compositions, synthetic strategies and surface modifications. Other related research lines are the use of nanomaterials in environmental applications and catalysis. I have progressed through the fields of organometallics/catalysis to nanoscience/catalysis and, finally, nanoscience/nanomedicine. The guiding thread of my whole career has been the research with transition metals, the study of metal-ligand interactions and their influence on the properties relevant for the application.