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  • Nanoionic-based memristive devices – a new perspective

Nanoionic-based memristive devices – a new perspective

Dr. Ilia Valov
Research Centre Juelich and RWTH-Aachen, Germany
Jueves, 26 Mayo 2022 12:00

Place: room 215 (second floor)


Nanoionic memristive cells and devices are essential building units for future nanoelectronic architectures targeting alternative data processing paradigms such as cognitive/neuromorphic computing and alternative logic operations, all being milestones in assembles of global networks such as Internet of Things (IoT) and creation of artificial intelligence (AI). Memristors demonstrate multiple functionalities, such as non-volatile and volatile memory and selector functions, ability to transit from digital to analog data storage and processing, sensor activities etc..  Their intrinsic properties mimic synaptic and neuron functions and are considered essential components of beyond von Neumann type computing hardware. Memristors are extremely stable against high energy particles and electromagnetic waves, thus preventing soft errors and can operate in a unprecedently broad temperature range from 4 K to 600 K making their application in space technologies and in general application under harsh conditions highly desirable. In the recent years, the application of memristive devices evidenced remarkable progress in areas of downscaling, pattern/face recognition, integration in chips, arrays and complex architectures.

The presentation will provide a different perspective on the progress and developments in the field, based on materials properties, interface interactions, formation of space charge layers and electrochemical redox reactions. A special attention will be focused on the relation materials’ properties – device performance. The criteria for materials selection will be discussed based on the specifics of the underlying physicochemical processes responsible for the memristive/neuromorphic behavior. Factors such as ionic/electronic conductivity of the solid electrolytes, transference numbers, electrocatalytic activities of active and inert electrodes, effects of moisture, interfaces, corrosion and electrode-electrolyte interactions will be shown to be determining the choice of particular materials system. The influence of impurities and doping elements in the solid electrolyte matrix on the electronic properties and device performance will be discussed. The importance in understanding the relation between materials properties and device performance will be highlighted.  


Dr.rer.nat Ilia Valov is Head of Group Nanoelectrochemistry at the Research Centre Juelich in Germany and is teaching at the RWTH-Aachen University. He received his M.Sc. degree in materials’ electrochemistry in Sofia, and Ph.D. in physical chemistry of solids / solid state electrochemistry in Giessen, Germany.  His research interests and activities are concentrated on electrochemical and, in general, physicochemical phenomena at the nano and sub-nanoscale, such as mass and charge transport, electric double layer, point defects, surfaces and interfaces with a focus on resistive switching memories, memristive and neuromorphic devices, energy conversion and electro- catalysis (water splitting).

Ilia Valov is Editor for Scientific Reports (NPG) and Materials (MDPI), and has guest edited special issues for RSC, Wiley and Elsevier journals on topics such as nanoscale electrochemistry, memristive devices and neuromorphic functionalities. He chairs the 2018 Faraday Discussion Meeting on New memory paradigms: memristive phenomena and neuromorphic applications and is co-initiator and co-organizer of the International Conference on Memristive Materials, Devices & Systems (MEMRISYS) which is the largest and most important annual conference on memristive theory and applications.